2:58 a.m….I climb into restless sleep and find no respite..Golden Kobi lifts his head, opening his eyes if ever so briefly…"What now?" he sighs returning to his dreams. I rest my body tremoring, feeding itself with muscles stiff, unwilling to soften. Writing pulls the creative stones to the surface…I yearn for nimble freedom, relaxed muscles channeling creative thoughts…Kobi lifts his head again…3:06 a.m….Eight minutes have passed since i began this blog entry…I hear Golden Kobi breathing in, out, in, out…a metronome lulling me into dream time…"Try again…breath slowly, deeply…relax the neck….sighing lightly becomes your mantra…breath deeper now…fading into nothing"…his thoughts fill my mind…fading, falling, dreaming…tremors subside, muscles unwind, sleep comes more easily now..."follow me…follow my yearnings…follow my play into dreaming" My adoring golden teacher brightens the path once again…