Early morning bedtime..Ron and I smile with pleasure as our four legged kids tumble, rumble and roll from one side of the bed to the other …Golden Kobi tolerates, perhaps secretly enjoys little guy Oscar as he plays, gnawing Kobi's ears and eyes…now bored with bed play the little guy jumps to the floor, overturns his toy basket attacking the handle. Golden Kobi lays down quietly watching Oscar's constant motion. Kobi moves from action to non action with equal ease…I tremor lightly but constantly…if only I could move in and out of motion with Golden Kobi…He turns to me, soulfull eyes searching mine..a sigh passes through him and he lays down for an early morning nap…eyes slowly close as he delivers his silent teaching…"Be present, enjoy the moment while tremoring lightly"…I relax into my pillows making meditation the first order of the day…