My body shivers, whirls with excitement and anticipation….moving day hails, looms…I feel it's breath on my face…Golden Kobi lies panting after a long round of ball…clear of internal diatribes he knows exactly where he's going…he's up again, dropping the ball at my feet. Focusing in with intense concentration….there is nothing but the ball at my feet and the wind in Kobi's fur…I pick up the slimey, goey mess and prepare for a toss…Golden Kobi has already moved to the end of the yard where I am obviously aimed. I reach in to my psyche…my beloved Golden teacher waits patiently for the toss….clear of thought and prepared to move in any direction. I throw the ball…it falls short of it's aim but Golden Kobi doesn't mind…he's already put the ball in his mouth and is headed towards my feet once again. His tenacity feeds my learning…Kobi shows me how to head forward into our move with clarity, surety and trust….loving the moment…yes…this is the most important…to capture, to enjoy, to love the moment…he's at my feet again. Time to find a different aim…maybe I'll fool him this time…noooo…no way…his adjustments are clean and brilliantly accurate…oh well….I'll toss the ball….BEHIND ME!!!…nope…he still anticipated my movements. I watch him run…what joy…what love…once again I find myself picking up the slimey mess…yum.